PRN Tactical , Providing Tactical Solutions for Personal Defense Needs!


Law Enforcement - Personal Defense - Sportsman

About Us

Company Statement

PRN Tactical is founded on the concept that selling our customers equipment is a minimal part of our customer service. Our objective is to make sure you have the correct equipment and education with regard to your Personal Defense needs. Just buying a gun doesn't assure your safety.

In that critical time, should the need ever arrise, confusion should not be your first thought. We promote education, practice and work with you to assure you are confortable with your equipment.

When overrun with fear or the element surprise the last thing you need to do is fear your equipment.

We promote education in the "Laws of Deadly Force" and refer to qualified instructors in this area. Confidence and knowledge of your rights plays a remarable role in how we deal with reationary situations.
We believe!
They are your rights. Don't be a victim to that individual who doesn't believe in your right to safey!
Protect those rights, your loved ones and your property. But don't assume you know the law!

Don't be a victim of your own actions!